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NextJS & OpenAI
Next.js Tutorial
Course Intro (1:03)
Course Resources
Useful Info
Next.js Info (1:07)
Tutorial Overview (1:59)
New App (1:58)
Project Structure (1:46)
Home Page (4:34)
More Pages (1:51)
Link Component (2:01)
Nested Routes (1:52)
First Challenge (3:08)
CSS (2:30)
Tailwind Intro (9:31)
Daisy Intro (9:48)
Layout File (4:04)
Navbar Challenge (9:37)
Server VS Client (2:07)
Counter Challenge (7:37)
Fetch Data (4:31)
Loading Component (3:58)
Error Component (4:59)
Nested Layouts (3:08)
Dynamic Routes (3:19)
Drinks List Challenge (5:07)
Single Drink Challenge (6:16)
Static Images (5:15)
Remote Images (5:51)
Responsive Remote Images (4:31)
More Routing (6:19)
Prisma Setup (5:38)
Prisma Model (4:37)
Prisma Crud (9:31)
Display Tasks - Challenge (10:43)
Server Actions Info (2:13)
First Server Action (8:14)
Refactor (3:12)
Delete Task (5:09)
Edit Task - Setup (4:50)
Edit Task - Complete (9:39)
Pending (5:39)
Error Checking (5:37)
Zod Library (2:56)
Providers (5:41)
Delete Button - Challenge (3:28)
Route Handlers - Intro (2:34)
Route Handlers - GET (6:03)
Route Handlers - POST (4:26)
Middleware (5:23)
Render (2:18)
PlanetScale (5:46)
Local Build (6:24)
Force Dynamic (5:07)
Deploy (6:24)
GPTGenius Project (Next.js 14 with OpenAI API)
App Overview (3:30)
Next App (1:33)
Important Update !!!
Install Libraries (2:17)
First Pages (4:13)
Home Page (5:08)
Important Update !!!
Clerk Setup (11:00)
SignIn and SignUp Pages (7:15)
React Icons (1:56)
Dashboard Layout (8:40)
Sidebar (4:30)
Sidebar Header (2:56)
Nav Links (3:25)
Member Profile (4:25)
Theme Toggle (8:03)
Boilerplate Overview (0:53)
User Profile (1:23)
React Hot Toast Library (2:56)
Chat Page Structure (9:16)
React Query - Intro (6:26)
React Query - Setup (9:15)
OpenAI - Cost (3:58)
OpenAI - Playground (6:56)
OpenAI - API Docs (3:20)
OpenAI - First Prompt (6:25)
OpenAI - Context (8:59)
Display Messages (7:32)
New Tour Page - Setup (2:04)
New Tour Form (6:18)
New Tour - React Query (7:43)
New Tour - Prompt (5:46)
Generate Tour Response (5:05)
Tour Info (2:17)
Planetscale (2:33)
Tour Model (4:22)
Timeout Info (2:24)
Save Tour (6:53)
Get All Tours (3:12)
Tours Page - Setup (3:03)
Tours List (7:14)
Search Functionality (6:47)
Single Tour Page (5:14)
Generate Image - OpenAI (8:38)
Generate Image - Unsplash API (4:37)
Remove Custom Pages (2:49)
Tokens - Intro (2:45)
Set Max Tokens (2:35)
Token Actions (10:11)
Display Tokens (5:32)
Tours Logic (6:57)
Chat Logic (4:43)
Deploy (4:26)
Switch to Clerk 5
Intro (5:02)
Setup (3:40)
Important Info !!!
Shadcn-ui (11:33)
Shadcn-ui API (7:21)
Layout and Homepage (10:33)
Create Pages (4:13)
Clerk Auth (3:26)
Nav Links (4:48)
Dashboard Layout (9:18)
Sidebar (5:57)
Navbar (3:40)
Dropdown Links (7:30)
Change Theme (3:28)
Toggle Theme (8:15)
Shadcn-ui Forms (11:14)
Types (7:09)
Custom Form Components (12:06)
CreateJobForm Continued (10:35)
Render and Prisma (6:26)
CreateJobAction (11:56)
Toast Component (1:37)
React Query - Setup (4:32)
CreateJobForm - Complete (9:04)
GetAllJobsAction - Overview (6:15)
GetAllJobsAction (8:02)
Jobs Page - Setup (6:51)
SearchForm - Setup (8:16)
SearchForm - Functionality (7:04)
JobsList Component (7:50)
More Shadcn-UI Components (1:58)
JobCard Component (5:29)
JobInfo Component (5:12)
Delete Job (5:59)
Single Job Page (5:57)
EditJobForm Component (7:35)
Seed Database (10:18)
Stats Action (7:04)
Charts Action (6:17)
Stats Container (6:35)
Loading Skeleton (5:48)
Charts Container (3:35)
Button Container (15:19)
Complex Button Container (13:33)
End of "NextJS & OpenAI" Course
Important Info
Teach online with
Prisma Setup
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you'll need to login
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