NodeJS Tutorial and Projects Course
This course skillfully combines theory and practice to teach server application development using NodeJS. It balances detailed theoretical lessons with hands-on projects, giving learners a deep understanding of NodeJS in practical scenarios. Participants will start with fundamental concepts and gradually tackle more complex projects, enhancing their problem-solving and development skills. By the end of the course, they'll be well-equipped to create and manage server applications confidently.
Course Curriculum:Â 35Â Hours of Content
Available in
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Available in
after you enroll
- Install Node.js (3:18)
- Browser VS Server (2:51)
- REPL (2:17)
- CLI (5:36)
- Source Code (1:20)
- Globals (9:01)
- Modules Setup (3:10)
- First Module (12:23)
- Alternative Syntax (4:11)
- Mind Grenade (3:55)
- Built-in Modules Intro (2:44)
- OS - Module (7:22)
- PATH - Module (5:43)
- FS - Module (sync) (8:04)
- FS - Module (async) (8:49)
- Sync vs Async (6:50)
- HTTP Intro (1:30)
- HTTP - Module (setup) (4:56)
- HTTP - Module (more features) (7:14)
- NPM Info (4:22)
- NPM Command (2:50)
- First Packages and package.json (9:43)
- Share Code on Github (6:12)
- Nodemon (5:59)
- Uninstall Package (2:48)
- Global Install (5:30)
- Package Lock (2:34)
- Important Topics - Intro (1:42)
- Event Loop - Intro (3:09)
- Event Loop - Info (6:59)
- Event Loop - Code Examples (9:21)
- Async Patterns - Blocking Code (7:42)
- Async Patterns - Setup Promises (5:46)
- Async Patterns - Refactor to Async (5:30)
- Async Patterns - Node's Native Option (6:36)
- Events Info (2:03)
- Events Emitter - Code Example (3:53)
- Events Emitter - Additional Info (3:07)
- Events Emitter - HTTP Module Example (3:26)
- Streams Intro (1:08)
- Streams - Read File (6:43)
- Streams - Additional Info (2:04)
- Streams - HTTP Example (5:24)
- End of Module (0:17)
Available in
after you enroll
- HTTP Request/Response Cycle (3:58)
- Github Repository
- HTTP Messages (11:02)
- Starter Project Install (2:06)
- Starter Overview (5:25)
- HTTP - Basics (11:43)
- HTTP - Headers (9:40)
- HTTP - Request Object (7:09)
- HTTP - HTML File (5:19)
- HTTP - App Example (10:41)
- Express Info (3:48)
- Express Basics (11:14)
- Express - App Example (11:26)
- Express - All Static (3:41)
- API VS SSR (5:53)
- JSON - Basics (8:32)
- Params, Query String - Setup (6:32)
- Params (9:11)
- Params - Extra Info (2:16)
- Query String (16:48)
- Additional Params and Query String Info (3:15)
- Middleware - Setup (10:41)
- APP.USE (7:04)
- Multiple Middleware Functions (8:05)
- Additional Middleware Info (6:50)
- Methods - GET (5:34)
- Methods - POST (Setup) (3:52)
- Methods - POST (Form Example) (12:38)
- Methods - POST (Javascript Example) (15:52)
- Install Postman (8:57)
- Methods - PUT (11:24)
- Methods - DELETE (8:22)
- Express Router - Setup (15:31)
- Express Router - Controllers (11:00)
Available in
after you enroll
Available in
after you enroll
- Intro (2:38)
- Setup (2:20)
- Basic Express Server (3:42)
- General Routes (1:58)
- Route Structure and Details (3:13)
- getAllTasks (8:07)
- All Routes (3:33)
- Postman Setup (9:17)
- REST (3:59)
- MongoDB Intro (1:44)
- Atlas Setup (2:46)
- DB, Network Access and Connection String (5:28)
- Additional Info (0:56)
- MongoDB Overview (4:24)
- CRUD - GUI Example (2:27)
- Mongoose Info (2:20)
- Setup Database Connection (6:31)
- Refactor Connect (5:05)
- ENV VARS (4:55)
- First Schema and Model (4:42)
- Create Task (5:36)
- Schema Info (2:15)
- Basic Validation (8:55)
- Try/Catch Block (4:01)
- Get All Tasks Controller (6:15)
- Get Single Task Controller (8:25)
- Two Errors (2:00)
- Delete Task (7:35)
- Update Task (8:56)
- Add Front-End (5:08)
- PUT VS PATCH (6:48)
- Response Types (5:22)
- NOT FOUND (4:13)
- Async Wrapper (9:57)
- Custom Error Handler (5:57)
- Custom Error Class (11:50)
- PORT Variable (3:01)
- Outro (0:04)
Available in
after you enroll
- Intro (1:49)
- Setup (1:02)
- Basic Express App (8:02)
- Setup DB Connection (3:12)
- Router (5:31)
- Postman Setup (2:03)
- Product Model (8:00)
- Populate DB (9:36)
- Basic Find (5:11)
- Query Params (5:31)
- Mongoose V6 Update (0:48)
- Refactor to QueryObject (6:25)
- Company (3:42)
- Name (8:14)
- Sort - General Setup (6:44)
- Sort - getAllProducts Implementation (7:56)
- Select Option (3:58)
- Skip and Limit - General Info (3:27)
- Pagination (7:27)
- Numeric Filters - Setup (3:17)
- Numeric Filters - Regex (7:49)
- Numeric Filters - Complete (4:42)
- Outro (0:08)
Available in
after you enroll
- Intro (3:54)
- Setup (4:53)
- Controllers (6:37)
- Postman Setup (2:42)
- Validate Username and Password (8:52)
- JWT - Overview (2:21)
- JWT - Structure (4:44)
- Useful Package (0:31)
- Sign JWT (6:51)
- Bearer Token - Overview (4:13)
- Send Bearer Token (2:35)
- Check Auth Header (4:05)
- Verify Token (5:12)
- Auth Middleware Setup (4:04)
- Auth Middleware Complete (6:19)
- More Error Classes (5:42)
- Status Codes (2:53)
- More Refactor - Complete App (6:18)
Available in
after you enroll
- Intro (4:11)
- Setup (4:58)
- Controllers (2:53)
- Routes (7:01)
- Setup DB Connection (2:06)
- User Schema (5:47)
- Create User - Basic Setup (6:02)
- Error Checking - Controller Example (3:58)
- Hashing Password Info (1:54)
- Hash User Password (6:51)
- Mongoose Middleware (6:27)
- Generate Token - Controller (7:09)
- Generate Token - Instance Method (5:32)
- Login Controller Setup (7:19)
- Compare Password (6:56)
- Auth Middleware - Setup (7:48)
- Auth Middleware - Testing (5:54)
- Alternative Code (1:42)
- Job Model (6:19)
- Create Job Route (7:49)
- Get All Jobs (4:13)
- Set Token Dynamically in Postman (5:10)
- Get Single Job (6:26)
- Update Job (6:51)
- Remove Job (4:51)
- Duplicate Error (9:24)
- Custom Error (1:46)
- Validation Error (6:24)
- Cast Error (3:45)
- Security Info and Packages (3:09)
- Security Setup (3:04)
- Additional Info (0:18)
- Heroku Update !!! (1:19)
- Heroku Info (2:16)
- Deploy on Heroku (15:59)
- Swagger UI Info (1:05)
- Clone Existing Heroku Project (3:14)
- Export Postman Docs (1:59)
- APIMATIC Info (0:38)
- APIMATIC Setup (5:09)
- Swagger UI Editor (5:56)
- Add Swagger UI (7:17)
- Render Signup (3:30)
- Github Repo (3:26)
- Render Deployment (5:32)
Available in
after you enroll
- Intro (3:43)
- Setup (5:32)
- Spring Cleaning (5:37)
- Client Folder (3:48)
- Setup Front-End (5:48)
- Modify User Model (3:16)
- Modify Register and Login (5:34)
- Create Test User (3:58)
- Update User - Setup (8:20)
- Update User - Complete (7:26)
- Password "Gotcha" (7:05)
- Complete Jobs CRUD Functionality (7:54)
- Fake Data - Mockaroo (9:51)
- Populate DB (5:37)
- Search Functionality - Intro (8:43)
- Search Input (5:22)
- Status and JobType (3:34)
- Sort (4:37)
- Pagination (10:28)
- Check For Test User in Auth Middleware (6:35)
- Restrict CRUD to Test User (4:22)
- API Limiter (4:26)
- Stats Intro (5:41)
- ShowStats Controller (3:18)
- Setup Status Aggregation Pipeline (6:52)
- Refactor Status Data (6:46)
- Setup Monthly Applications Aggregation Pipeline (8:18)
- Refactor Monthly Applications Data (4:04)
- Deployment (6:28)
Available in
after you enroll
- Intro (1:47)
- Setup (4:46)
- Product Model (1:51)
- Basic Structure (8:11)
- Postman Setup (2:42)
- Create Product (Fail) (5:22)
- Upload Image - Postman (3:15)
- Useful Package (11:05)
- Complete File Upload (8:55)
- Additional Checks (6:16)
- Cloudinary INtro (2:49)
- Cloudinary Setup (3:20)
- Upload Image To Cloudinary (11:09)
- Remove Temp Files (2:37)
Available in
after you enroll
Available in
after you enroll
Available in
after you enroll
- Intro (0:41)
- Setup (2:23)
- Basic Express Server (4:37)
- Setup DB Connection (4:49)
- Basic Routes (5:43)
- NotFound VS ErrorHandler Middleware (3:51)
- Morgan Package (3:19)
- User Model (6:17)
- Validator Package (3:11)
- Auth Routes Structure (7:38)
- Postman Environment Setup (5:02)
- Register - Initial Setup (4:46)
- Register - Unique Email (2:51)
- User Roles (6:12)
- Hash Passwords (5:41)
- JWT Setup (5:28)
- Refactor JWT Setup (6:29)
- Cookies Setup (7:50)
- Parse Cookies (5:48)
- Refactor Cookies Setup (7:00)
- Signed and Secure Flags (3:29)
- Login Route (5:34)
- Logout Route (6:32)
- Cookies - Big Picture and "Gotchas" (21:34)
- User Routes - Structure (9:51)
- User Routes - Postman (6:11)
- getAllUsers and getSingleUser (5:32)
- Authenticate User - Setup (7:32)
- Authenticate User - Complete (5:32)
- Authorize Permissions - Setup (6:38)
- Authorize Permissions - Complete (8:21)
- ShowMe Controller (4:36)
- UpdatePassword Controller (8:42)
- CreateTokenUser Function (4:08)
- UpdateUser Controller - FindOneAndUpdate() (8:01)
- UpdateUser Controller - (9:02)
- CheckPermissions Function (10:35)
- Auth Complete (1:26)
- Product Model (12:52)
- Product Routes - Structure (10:53)
- Product Routes - Postman (4:56)
- CreateProduct Controller (10:16)
- Remaining Product Controllers (11:27)
- Upload Image Controller (12:41)
- Review Model (7:32)
- Reviews Routes Structure (5:49)
- Review Routes - Postman (3:15)
- Create Review Controller (9:20)
- Get All Reviews and Get Single Review Controller (4:25)
- Delete Review Controller (5:00)
- Update Review Controller (5:12)
- Populate Method (3:02)
- Mongoose Virtuals (7:02)
- Alternative Single Product Reviews (5:29)
- Remove All Reviews (5:01)
- Aggregate Pipeline - Setup (9:27)
- Reset Database (2:18)
- Aggregate Pipeline - Atlas (10:37)
- Aggregate Pipeline - Review Model (10:37)
- Additional Group ID Example (5:22)
- Order Schema (11:07)
- Order Structure (8:20)
- Order - Postman Setup (3:48)
- Create Order - Check Product (16:41)
- Create Order - Complete (9:34)
- All Order Routes (10:04)
- Docgen - Install (1:35)
- Docgen - Create Docs (3:17)
- Security Packages (4:03)
- Deploy on Heroku (7:09)
- Small Fixes (7:01)
- Deploy To Render (2:48)
Available in
after you enroll
- 01-setup (6:53)
- Setup (10:12)
- Register Controller - Refactor (10:48)
- Login Controller - Refactor (3:35)
- Proper Verification Token (3:08)
- Verify Email - Big Picture (3:23)
- Verify Email Controller - Setup (5:51)
- Verity Email Controller - Complete (6:33)
- Send Email - Setup (12:34)
- Send Email - First Part (10:57)
- Send Email - Second Part (9:47)
- Front-End and Origin Gotchas (12:41)
- Refresh Token - Big Picture (5:11)
- Token Model (3:16)
- Create Token in Login Controller (7:31)
- Send Multiple Cookies (8:24)
- Check for Existing Token (5:28)
- Refactor Auth Middleware - AccessToken (5:58)
- Refactor Auth Middleware - RefreshToken (6:51)
- Fix Logout Functionality (8:42)
- Forgot/Reset Password Structure (5:23)
- Forgot Password Controller (9:41)
- Send Reset Password Email (11:25)
- Reset Password Controller (5:55)
- Hash Token (4:51)
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